Saturday, October 13, 2012

Intro & 6/15/12

I'm creating this blog specifically for retyping everything that I wrote while in jail. The feelings may not be accurate anymore, as the hopelessness has since faded now that I'm back in the world, but at the time, this was how I felt. I just wanted to clarify that before proceeding. I don't remember everything that I wrote, but I will try my best not to edit anything, for reasons of embarrassment or otherwise. The story begins on 6-15-12. I didn't write much towards the end, so I will try to remember anything I can.

My actual writings.
So, I have been in jail for just over a week now, but this was really the first time I've gotten to use a pen. I guess I'll try to go through some of the events chronologically, so I can have a reference point to write more about them later, and then focus on today. Rather than write it all out, I'll make an abbreviated list:

Fri, 6/8/12 - Go to buy 10 bags of dope for John at 11:00 AM, and am stopped by the police on Huntingdon, searched, arrested, brought to 24th/25th district. Stay all day, it's very cold.
Sat, 6/9/12 - Am given ROR bail for the possession charge in the early A.M., but am held for warrants, and transported to CFCF at 3:30 AM. Sit in intake all day, dope sick.
Sun, 6/10/12 - Transferred to B-3 around 2:00 PM, first time having a hot "meal" since Thursday afternoon, which is also the last time I used.
Mon, 6/11/12 - Not much happens. I meet somebody named Mike from Parkside, and we know a lot of the same people. He gets to leave once he signs his own unsecured bail. I'm jealous.
Tues, 6/12/12 - Bench warrant hearing, $2,500 with 10%. First call to Joey, he says nobody will bail me out for the $270, which doesn't sit well with me, turns out not to matter anyway. OKC wins, and my celly watches the second half of the game from the chair inside our cell, looking out.
Wed, 6/13/12 - Woken at 3:30 AM to sign my bail. Thought I would leave, but am transferred to the House of Corrections instead. Put on the medical block with about forty other people, and it's hard to sleep.
Thurs, 6/14/12 - See somebody with behavioral health, and not much else. The kid in the bed next to mine gives me one of his anti-seizure meds, and I get to sleep well for the first time. Miami heat wins, guys on the block hassling a CO about her shoes, pretty funny.

So this brings me fairly and squarely to June 15th, 2012. It's supposedly perfect weather today, but I can't really differentiate the days through the barred off windows. Every day is the same in here. It's just another day that I have to watch all of these fucking commercials on TV and not be able to buy any of the delicious food that I see.

Today started out alright, though. I got an actual full night of sleep, which I hadn't managed until now. Breakfast was brought up to the block for us, oatmeal and potatoes. I even got three glasses of orange juice, so it worked out better than going to the chow hall. Less of a workout for my underfed body, as well.

I've been trying to get the CO to find out what is holding me in this jail. I called the Records line and they said that I had no warrants or detainers. I know that this is incorrect, so I'll try to call again tomorrow to see if I can get an answer. I just want to know what my next step is, that's all. 
Today was my best day yet for many reasons. The most important: an unexpected visit. Earl came to visit me, and calmed me down a lot. John knew that something must have happened to me, and got a hold of Earl. So, Earl even has my backpack, wallet, and all of my stuff that I figured I would never see again, which is a relief in itself. He also told me that when I got out, provided I stay clean, I have a place to live. This is amazing news, but also makes me even more anxious to get out. He tells me to plan on a month, which I think sounds way too long, but I have no control. I'm actually hoping that something happens over the weekend.

I got moved to G-1 tonight, and my celly is a really cool Vietnamese guy named Duc. He gave me two juices, crackers, and ramen noodles within a few minutes of meeting him. He seems to be a nice guy, and we related on him working in Chester. He's trying to sleep right now, so I'm going to cut this out for the night.

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